Anyone can win with money–including you.

Pay off your debt, watch your savings grow, and finally reach your money goals


Create a plan that actually works

Receive accountability

Achieve progress faster than ever before

 Do you feel overwhelmed when it comes to money?

 One year from today you could be…

Further in debt
Savings continuing to dwindle
Still frustrated with money

And that leads to sleepless nights, feelings of guilt, and more money fights with your spouse. I don’t want that for you. Financial coaching has given my clients confidence and traction toward their money goals. Coaching will work for you, too.

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 How it works

With financial coaching you will…

Create a plan that actually works

  • Save money for all those unexpected hurdles life likes to throw your way.

  • Pay off debt for good and learn how to plan for large upcoming expenses so you don’t go back into debt.

  • Save for the future, which includes your kids college and your retirement.

Receive accountability

  • Say “goodbye” to doing it on your own and “hello” to having someone help you stay on track. 

  • Schedule coaching sessions as frequent as you need: weekly, every two weeks or monthly.

  • Progress tracking to celebrate all your wins big or small.

Achieve progress faster than ever before

  • $12,747 average debt paid off in the first 3 months

  • $4,313 average saved for emergencies in the first 3 months

  • You’ll build momentum and finally make money decisions with confidence.

I’ve been there, too.

Six years ago, my husband and I were in an extraordinary amount of debt. We were overwhelmed and scared. But we got on a plan, paid off debt, started giving and are living a life we love. And now I’m using my experience and additional training to help you do the same.

Since opening my coaching practice, I’ve noticed the same underlying problem that has prevented each of my clients from winning with money. You might be struggling with it, too, and not even know! Want to find out what the #1 problem that is preventing you from winning with money and the solution to fix it? Download my free PDF and you’ll know the first step to take to finally reach your financial goals.

Real Clients and Real Success

We were inconsistent and didn’t really know how much was going out. We were starting to recognize that we needed a way to track things. The accountability and check-ins with a real human being is HUGE! We paid off one of our cars within 3 months of financial coaching.
— H.B
I was in a lot of credit card debt. I just couldn’t get ahead and felt so frustrated. Working with Katy allowed me to have someone to talk to and hold me accountable. When I got the first card paid off–with the second not far behind–I could finally see the light!
— -J.S


The place to find tips and encouragement for your financial journey.

With financial coaching, you will…

  • Get out of debt for good

  • Save money

  • Buy a house (the right way)

  • Save for kids’ college

  • Understand and save for retirement

  • Give generously

  • Live a life you love