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Debt Katy Hylander | Financial Coach Debt Katy Hylander | Financial Coach

7 Budgeting Tips for Everyday Life

The top factor on achieving any goal is if you have a plan set in place. Achieving your money goals is no different. That plan is called a budget. Here are my top 7 tips for making the money you work hard for work just as hard for you.

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Debt, Savings Katy Hylander | Financial Coach Debt, Savings Katy Hylander | Financial Coach

Which First: Save or Pay Off Debt?

You can’t save money because you’re in debt. You can’t pay off your debt because you have no savings to cover the unexpected expenses that keep coming up. Which should you do first: save money or pay off debt?

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Debt Katy Hylander | Financial Coach Debt Katy Hylander | Financial Coach

How to Catch Up on Your Bills

Being late on bills is scary. Statements are piling up on your counter. You feel hopeless. And you wonder, how did you get here? And more importantly, how do you get out. Here are 7 practical steps you can take to finally get current on your bills and dump debt forever.

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Debt Katy Hylander | Financial Coach Debt Katy Hylander | Financial Coach

Should You Consolidate Your Debt?

Debt consolidation can seem like the best option. However, if you don’t address the root problem, debt con-solidation could very easily con you into thinking you’ve fixed the problem. Here are five questions to ask yourself to determine if consolidation is right for you.

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Debt, Money Tips Katy Hylander | Financial Coach Debt, Money Tips Katy Hylander | Financial Coach

How to Achieve Something that Feels Impossible

Why put all this energy and effort into something if there’s no hope in actually achieving it? Isn’t that the definition of insanity? You feel you can’t, so you won’t. You can achieve something you feel is impossible. So how do you do it? Here are three steps to achieve something that feels impossible.

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Debt Katy Hylander | Financial Coach Debt Katy Hylander | Financial Coach

Why Earning More Money Will NOT Solve Your Money Problems

Have you ever thought, “If only I made more money, then I could fill-in-the-blank.” Get out of debt…go on vacation…save money… Truth is numbers change when people do. So here’s the solution to not feeling broke all the time.

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Debt, Budgeting Katy Hylander | Financial Coach Debt, Budgeting Katy Hylander | Financial Coach

How to Create Budgets That Actually Work

Rigid things break. A budget that is a straight jacket for your money will never work. A budget is just a written plan for your money. Once you get on a budget–that actually works–you’re going to feel like you’ve gotten a raise.

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Debt, Personal Growth Katy Hylander | Financial Coach Debt, Personal Growth Katy Hylander | Financial Coach

What to do When You Need to Let Something Go

How do you know when it’s time to let something go to get you out of debt faster? There are tough moments when we need to lay significant things down in our lives. You’ve worked so hard to buy things that elevate your perceived social status that there’s no way you’re going to let that go. It’d be too embarrassing. So how do you let it go when the pull to lay it down is so strong you can no longer ignore it?

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Debt, Budgeting, Personal Growth Katy Hylander | Financial Coach Debt, Budgeting, Personal Growth Katy Hylander | Financial Coach

How to Cut Out Distracted Spending

Does it feel like you can't make any traction on paying off your debt? Or what about saving money? It feels like there's never enough. However, your income may not be the problem. The problem is you’re likely spending money on distractions rather than on your goals. Figure out how to eliminate distracted spending so you can reach your money goals even faster!

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Debt, Financial myths Katy Hylander | Financial Coach Debt, Financial myths Katy Hylander | Financial Coach

Is Debt a Tool Used to Build Wealth?

You’ve probably heard this before: debt is a tool to build wealth. This my friend is what you call a myth—or lie. When you have debt, the money you worked so hard for goes flying out the back door with other peoples names on it as soon as you get paid. If you want to build wealth, you must avoid debt. And if you’re in debt, get out. So how do you do it?

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  • Done with DIY?

    You’ve tried all the things, read all the articles but still feel like you’re not making the progress you desire? Maybe financial coaching is your right next step. Schedule an appointment with Katy to explore what it would look like to work together in reaching your money goals.