Ready to do this thing?

If you’re here because you’re tired of feeling broke and are ready to live a life you love, I’m ready for you. 

The first step to working together is a simple conversation. I’d like to understand where you’re at, how you got to this point, and where you want to be.

I promise it won’t feel like going to the principal's office. 

Would you rather connect via email before meeting face-to-face over Zoom? Fill out the contact form and I’ll be in touch within two business days. I’m looking forward to connecting with you.

Real Clients and Real Success

Katy is an amazing coach who comes in with respect, understanding and empathy. She also keeps us accountable to our homework and gives us the tools that we need to succeed!
— H.B.
I used to look at my account hoping something didn’t come out that I forgot or didn’t expect. Now I look at my account and can’t believe how much I have leftover! Katy is a God send.
— B.R.