Let’s face it: you have no idea what you’re doing when it comes to money.

I can help with that.

Behind the Scenes: My Coaching Process

Create a plan that actually works

Receive accountability

Achieve progress faster than you ever thought possible

You feel overwhelmed.

Debt has you paralyzed into inaction. Or maybe you’re doing ok, but you feel you should have more to show.

Either way, these situations aren’t great. 

It’s time you get some real help and make progress towards your money goals. I can help you save money, pay off debt, and build wealth. 

Learn how to save money.png

 3 Ways to Work with Katy

One-on-One Coaching

  • Monthly meetings held virtually, plus continued communication throughout the month

  • Focused attention on your specific needs so you can achieve your goals in less time

  • Starting at $275/mo

Online Workshops

  • Learn the information you should have been taught in school

  • Topics include retirement, debt reduction, budgeting and more

  • Free and paid workshops available

 In the first three months of coaching, on average my clients…

Pay off $12,747 in debt

Save $4,313 for emergencies

  • Why Financial Coaching?

    Most people feel overwhelmed when it comes to money. Their finances are chaotic and unorganized. They're a normal American family.

    But normal is broke.

    Who wants that? You certainly don’t. My mission is simple: I’ll help you become debt-free and live a life you love.

What People are Saying

I was in a lot of credit card debt. I just couldn’t get ahead and felt so frustrated. Working with Katy allowed me to have someone to talk to and hold me accountable. When I got the first card paid off–with the second not far behind–I could finally see the light!
— J.S
I didn’t think I could afford coaching, but once Katy helped me figure things out it was like money came out of nowhere! I now know exactly how much money I have and where it’s all going. I can finally breathe.
— B.R